The Zealot Rises

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NeutralThe Zealot Rises
Start Thassarian
End Highlord Darion Mograine
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Death Knight Campaign
Class Death knight Death knight
Experience 20,560
Rewards  [Greater Glory of the Order]
1500 Order Resources
38g 80s
Previous N Death knight [45] The Scarlet Commander
Next N Death Knight [45] Advancing the War Effort
N Death knight [45] Aggregates of Anguish


Raise Sally Whitemane as a Death Knight.

  • Whitemane raised


Sometimes the line between hero and villain is nothing more than perception. As High Inquisitor, Sally Whitemane saw herself as a champion of humanity in the war against the scourge. Yet under her leadership the Scarlet Crusade slew the living along with the undead.

Death can bring a silent peace to the soul, but not for Sally Whitemane. Her death is one of regret and unrest.

We will offer her the chance to atone for her crimes. The price will be high, but I have little doubt she will pay it.


You will receive:
Achievement reputation 03.png [Greater Glory of the Order]

You will also receive:

  • 38g 80s
  • 20,560 XP
  • 1500 Order Resources


Has Sally Whitemane been delivered to Acherus as a member of the Ebon Blade?


I have heard that the battle at Scarlet Monastery was a success, thanks to you.

Initiate Whitemane has already begun her training as a death knight. She shows much promise, and I have no doubt she will make a formidable horseman.


Use Raise Horseman:

Thassarian says: Rise up, High Inquisitior! Your Deathlord calls you back to this world!
Whitemane is pulled to the surface in a kneeling position.
High Inquisitior Whitemane says: I... I live? Is the anguish of death over?
Thassarian says: We have not come to offer peace, High Inquisitior.
High Inquisitior Whitemane says: Why then? Why have you done this to me?
Thassarian says: The Day of Reckoning is at hand. The Burning Legion has come to destroy our world.
Thassarian says: The Knights of the Ebon Blade have come to offer you a chance at atonement.
High Inquisitior Whitemane says: Atonement? I doubt that such a thing exists for me...
Thassarian says: Join us, and we will find out together.
Whitemane summons a [Death Gate] as she speaks and steps through.
High Inquisitior Whitemane says: Indeed we shall.
Use Whitemane's Death Gate to return to Acherus: The Ebon Hold.


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