The Wisdom of Patience

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NeutralThe Wisdom of Patience
Start Senegos
End Senegos
Level 110 (Requires 110)
Type Artifact
Category Artifact
Rewards 1g 94s
Previous N [45] Lucid Strength


Await the opening of the Emerald Nightmare, then report back to Senegos in Azsuna.


The horrors you braved in the thicket are only the beginning. Within the Emerald Nightmare you will face the very heart of the corruption that threatens the stability of all life on Azeroth.

But not just yet.

We have not yet managed to permeate the magic protecting Xavius' sinister realm. Once we have, however, you should return here; there is still much to be done.


You will receive: 1g 94s


Your next steps will be difficult, young one, and more dangerous than any threat you've faced, but they must be taken.

For the good of Azeroth.


On accept:

Archmage Kalec says: Return when you are ready to face the forces of Nightmare. Until then, we will plan our next steps.

Patch changes

  • Legion Hotfix (2016-09-20): Removed with the opening of the Emerald Nightmare.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links