The Twilight's Hammer

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AllianceThe Twilight's Hammer
Start Sentinel Lendra
End Sentinel Lendra
Level 5-30
Category Darkshore
Experience 740
Reputation +250 Darnassus
Rewards  [Gloves of the Plate Fist]
or  [Fanatical Treads]
or  [Lendra's Cult-Stompers]
5s 65c
Shareable Yes


High Cultist Azerynn
His death means a great deal to us.

Slay High Cultist Azerynn and 10 Twilight Fanatics in the Twilight Encampment.

  • High Cultist Azerynn slain
  • Twilight Fanatic slain (10)


A group of Twilight's Hammer cultists has set up camp southwest of here. They're preparing an army of water elementals to use against Lor'danel.

Their leader, High Cultist Azerynn, has pacts with the dark Old Gods that grant his sect power over the elements. Go and deal with them before it's too late, <name>.

The cataclysm has left the elemental spirits in disarray... it's only a matter of time until they have enough elementals to overcome our defenses.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv gauntlets 04.png [Gloves of the Plate Fist] Inv boots 07.png [Fanatical Treads]
Inv boots 07.png [Lendra's Cult-Stompers]

You will also receive:


It's good to see you again, <name>.


You've done well, <name>. The Twilight's Hammer is a dangerous cult. It would be foolish to underestimate the danger they represent.

Patch changes

External links