The Torch of Retribution

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NeutralThe Torch of Retribution
Start Velarok Windblade
End Velarok Windblade
Level 50 (Requires 45)
Category Searing Gorge
Experience 470 EXP (or 2s 70c at level 70)
Previous N [50] The Flame's Casing
Next N [50] The Torch of Retribution


Wait for Velarok Windblade to complete the  [Torch of Retribution].

  • Torch Creation


Give me a moment to combine the pieces and apply the necessary enchantments.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 470 XP (or 2s 70c at level 70)


Do not interrupt the channeling process.


There is one final task that you must complete.


Velarok Windblade starts casting his magic. After a while:

Velarok Windblade says: Be patient, <name>. The torch is almost complete.
The torch appears in front of Velarok.
Velarok Windblade says: It is done...


  1. N [48] Divine Retribution
  2. N [48] The Flawless Flame
  3. N [48] Forging the Shaft
  4. N [50] The Flame's Casing
  5. N [50] The Torch of Retribution
  6. N [50] The Torch of Retribution
  7. N [50] Squire Maltrake
  8. N [52] Set Them Ablaze!
  9. N [50] Trinkets...

Patch changes

External links