The Flawless Flame (quest)

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NeutralThe Flawless Flame
Start Velarok Windblade
End Velarok Windblade
Level 48 (Requires 40)
Category Searing Gorge
Experience 4400 EXP (or 26s 40c at level 70)
Rewards 1g 40s
Previous N [48] Divine Retribution
Next N [48] Forging the Shaft


Collect 4 Hearts of Flame and 4 globes of Golem Oil and return the items to Velarok Windblade.


You have made the right decision, <name>.

We must strike where we will do the most damage: the four sentry towers.

With the four towers in flames, we can initiate an offensive before they have time to react.

You will need the proper tool to set the towers ablaze. To make the tool requires some materials.

Bring me four hearts of flame and four golem oil and I shall craft the torch of flawless flame.

The golems and elementals in these lands should be your first target.


You will receive:

  • 1g 40s
  • 4400 XP (or 26s 40c at level 70)


Have you collected the materials?


Well done, <name>. We are almost ready.


  1. N [48] Divine Retribution
  2. N [48] The Flawless Flame
  3. N [48] Forging the Shaft
  4. N [50] The Flame's Casing
  5. N [50] The Torch of Retribution
  6. N [50] The Torch of Retribution
  7. N [50] Squire Maltrake
  8. N [52] Set Them Ablaze!
  9. N [50] Trinkets...

Patch changes

See also

External links