The Flame's Casing

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NeutralThe Flame's Casing
Start Velarok Windblade
End Velarok Windblade
Level 50 (Requires 42)
Category Searing Gorge
Experience 4700 EXP (or 28s 20c at level 70)
Rewards 75s
Previous N [48] Forging the Shaft
Next N [50] The Torch of Retribution


Find and return a Symbol of Ragnaros to Velarok Windblade.


We need one final piece to form the torch.

In the mountains to the northwest you will find a large encampment of Twilight's Hammer. It is rumored that they carry symbols and idols that pay homage to their god. These symbols and idols could carry sufficient enchantment to form a magical casing. Bring me a single symbol of Ragnaros and I will try to extract the magic from the item to create the casing.


You will receive:

  • 75s
  • 4700 XP (or 28s 20c at level 70)


Without a suitable source of arcane energy, the torch of retribution cannot be completed.


The symbol radiates foul magic; perfectly suited for our task.


  1. N [48] Divine Retribution
  2. N [48] The Flawless Flame
  3. N [48] Forging the Shaft
  4. N [50] The Flame's Casing
  5. N [50] The Torch of Retribution
  6. N [50] The Torch of Retribution
  7. N [50] Squire Maltrake
  8. N [52] Set Them Ablaze!
  9. N [50] Trinkets...

Patch changes

External links