The Tome of Divinity (dwarf 9)

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AllianceThe Tome of Divinity
Start Muiredon Battleforge
End Tiza Battleforge
Level 12 (Requires 12)
Category Paladin
Race IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Dwarf
Class Paladin Paladin
Experience 2,690
Rewards [Redemption]
Previous A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity


Speak to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge.


I c'n see me wife's o'er there beamin' wit pride already. Ya better get yer tuchus o'er there pronto. I be thinkin' she'd have some words wit ya.

Light be witcha, mighty <class>. I'll be lookin' fer ya on the battlefield against the Scourge and dem Dark Irons when the time comes.



You've done all of Ironforge a great favor today, <name>. I'm proud to count you among us, and if you feel you're ready, I would like to bless you with this scroll. The  [Symbol of Life] would only have worked when used by a <class> who was ready for one of the Light's greatest blessings-the power to restore the dead back to life.

I will teach you the ability to resurrect your companions. Use it wisely, <name>, and thank you, on behalf of myself, my husband, and Ironforge.


  1. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] Tome of Divinity / A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] Tome of Divinity / A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] Tome of Divinity
  2. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
  3. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
  4. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
  5. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
  6. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
  7. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
  8. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
    1. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Symbol of Life
  9. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity
  10. A IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Paladin [12] The Tome of Divinity

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