The Prodigal Lich Returns

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HordeThe Prodigal Lich Returns
Start Gunther Arcanus
End Bethor Iceshard
Level 12 (Requires 8)
Category Tirisfal Glades
Experience 900 EXP (or 5s 40c at level 70)
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+100 Undercity
Wrath-Logo-Small.png+250 Undercity
Rewards  [Bone Buckler]
Previous H [12] Proving Allegiance


Bring the Nether Gem to Bethor Iceshard in the Undercity.


Take this Nether Gem to my old comrade Bethor. It will let us communicate ... and I have much to tell him.


You receive
Inv shield 09.png [Bone Buckler]

You will also receive:


Have you returned Gunther's book? Has he responded?


You convinced him to join us! You have done a great deed for the Forsaken, <name>. The Dark Lady will be informed.


On completion
Bethor Iceshard casts the Nether Gem spell. Gunther's Visage appears and walks towards Bethor.
Gunther's Visage says: It has been a long time, Bethor, my friend.
Gunther's Visage says: When time permits, we must speak at length. For we have much to discuss.
Gunther's Visage says: And thank you, <name>. Without your aid I may never have found my way to the Forsaken.
Bethor Iceshard says: Farewell, my friend.
The Visage dissapears.


  1. H [8] The Prodigal Lich
  2. H [8] The Lich's Identity
  3. H [8] Return the Book
  4. H [12] Proving Allegiance
  5. H [12] The Prodigal Lich Returns

Patch changes

External links