The Dormant Shade

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HordeThe Dormant Shade
Start Lillith's Dinner Table
End Lillith's Dinner Table
Level 10 (Requires 10)
Category Tirisfal Glades
Repeatable Yes


This is an old, beaten, bloody table.


You place the Candle of Beckoning upon the table and light it...


Completing this quest spawns Lillith Nefara, who needs to be killed for H [12] Proving Allegiance.

Lillith Nefara says: You have disturbed my rest, <class>. Now face my wrath!


  1. H [8] The Prodigal Lich
  2. H [8] The Lich's Identity
  3. H [8] Return the Book
  4. H [12] Proving Allegiance
  5. H [12] The Prodigal Lich Returns

Patch changes

External links