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The Party's Over (quest)

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NeutralThe Party's Over
Start Grigg [67.7, 66.0]
End Rhubarn [76.4, 62.6]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 2,900
Rewards 5g 85s
Previous N [78-80] Electrifying! & N [78-80] Smelly Shrubberies
Next N [78-80] Burn It With Fire


Investigate the pool area in Mmarl.

  • Find the problem


Nope, nope, nope!

Look, I'm used to dealing with the additives in our swimming hole and keeping things at "marginally safe" levels, but spiders emerging to chew us to death? That's a hard pass from me.

This is OUR place, why are they buggin' us?


You will receive:

  • 5g 85s
  • 2,900 XP


We put an incense beacon in there to keep bugs out. If the goblins changed it...


On accept:

Rhubarn says: They're not in town, are they?
Grigg says: Nah, they're in the cave we used to get here. Come on, I'll show you!
Jenni Boombuckle says: Ugh, fine, I'm coming too I guess.
They run off.

Catch up with the gang at the pool:

Grigg says: There!
Rhubarn says: Oh my! That cave is full of bugs!
Jenni Boombuckle says: You shoulda smelled it when we got here. Reeked worse than a set of ogre toes! We fixed it.

They have gossip:

Jenni Boombuckle

Look, when we first got here there was this censer inside pumping out this horrible smell. It made all of our equipment reek!

The first thing I did was change out the scent to something nice. I got a big promotion for my quick thinking!


Try not to ingest any of the pool water. It's ULTRA-sanitary, but also kind of poisonous.

On complete:

Rhubarn says: You 'fixed' the cave? Your new smell is attracting a nest!
Jenni Boombuckle says: Well at least someone around here appreciates a good perfume.
Monte Gazlowe says: <Name>, let's give them a hand with this.

Monte Gazlowe

I bet some big guns will impress Jenni and Rhubarn. Sometimes brute force speaks louder than anything else.


  1. N [78-80] Trading Partners (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [78-80] Nothing Ventured
  3. N [78-80] Electrifying! & N [78-80] Smelly Shrubberies
  4. N [78-80] The Party's Over
  5. N [78-80] Burn It With Fire

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