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Burn It With Fire

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NeutralBurn It With Fire
Start Monte Gazlowe [76.3, 62.6]
End Jenni Bombuckle [76.3, 62.6]
Level 78-80
Category Azj-Kahet
Experience 11,600
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [78-80] The Party's Over


Burn the Pillar-nest Hearts and replace the incense in the Mmarl cave.

  • Pillar-nest Hearts destroyed (4)
  • Replace Niffen Protection Incense
  •  [Flameflow 7000] (provided)


So the goblins removed the incense the niffen used to keep those creepy pests out... because it smelled bad?

Honestly, I'm not surprised. Maybe we can show them that they need to work together. Leading by example! Here, I'll lend you a flamethrower. I know mine works, without weird... chicken-like effects.

Head in, clear out the nests, and put the right incense back in there!


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,600 XP


The cave is just up ahead.


Okay, that flamethrower. I need it. I guess I'll talk to Gazlowe... but don't tell anyone that I did.


On accept:

Jenni Boombuckle says: Look, if your repellent didn't smell terrible we wouldn't be in this situation.
Rhubarn says: Would you pay more for a different scent, even if it's less effective?
Jenni Boombuckle says: MORE? Are you kidding me? I should get a selection of smells to choose from!
Monte Gazlowe says: The smell I'm going for is barbequed.

On complete:

Jenni Boombuckle says: Fine. We'll leave it stinky for now.
Rhubarn says: Thank you for that violent but effective solution, friend!
Monte Gazlowe says: Stink! Violence! Everybody's happy.
Grigg says: I'm happy with staying alive.
Jenni Boombuckle says: I definitely appreciate that flamethrower.
Rhubarn says: much for that flamethrower?
Jenni Boombuckle says: I saw it first! Dibs!
Monte Gazlowe says: The low low price is a friendly meal over at Corby's Cabana. I wanna hear more about where you're from.
Jenni Boombuckle says: You mean Undermine? Sure, I'm in.
Rhubarn says: I love Corby's!
They walk off.

They relocate to Thad's pavilion at the Grudge Grotto on the eastern side of town:

Monte Gazloe

We'll need to be careful with the Venture Company, but there's no need to fight them while we're here on other business.

Particularly when they mention Undermine in casual conversation... that warrants further chat!

Jenni Boombuckle

Allies? That's a stretch. But we're working out the details.


I love Corby's!

"Doctor" Thad Rustwhistle

What you lookin' for, a tip about the next fight?

Never bet against the Venture Company. Least of all me and my killer bots!


  1. N [78-80] Trading Partners (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [78-80] Nothing Ventured
  3. N [78-80] Electrifying! & N [78-80] Smelly Shrubberies
  4. N [78-80] The Party's Over
  5. N [78-80] Burn It With Fire

Patch changes

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