The Missing Merchant (Terokkar) (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Missing Merchant
Start Lady Dena Kennedy
End Automatic
Level 63 (Requires 63)
Category Terokkar Forest
Experience 9450 EXP (or 3g 39s at level 70)
Rewards 2g 90s


Travel northwest along the road toward Shattrath and search for evidence of what happened to Deirom.


I don't suppose you've been here long enough to know Deirom, have you? He's a merchant with contacts among the various factions in Shattrath.

Don't ask me how he does it, but he manages to trade with them for some of the goods our quartermasters can't provide.

He set out for Shattrath three days ago and hasn't returned. He's normally able to make the entire trip in less than that. Keep an eye out for him and report anything you find to the mercenary captain, Thander.


You will receive:

  • 2g 90s
  • 9450 XP (or 3g 39s at level 70)


Amid the wreckage of the merchant's cart and goods, sets of strange footprints are visible. The footprints appear to have come from an overgrown bird.

Recalling what you know about the arakkoa, you conclude the print is large enough to belong to one of the sentient bird-people who make their homes in the forest. Why would they have taken to attacking Alliance merchants?


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