The Light of Exodus

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AllianceThe Light of Exodus
Start Defender Illona
End Defender Illona
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Support
Experience 3,770 XP
Rewards Illona Perk: Guiding Light
15g 40s


Retrieve the  [Light of Exodus] from Ambassador Hellmaw at Beacon of Sha'tar in Shattrath City in Talador.

  • Ambassador Hellmaw slain
  • Light of Exodus


My grandfather always told me stories of a powerful crystal made of the Light that would grant power to those who intended to use it for good. He called it the Light of Exodus.

I never believed him... until now.

Your scouts have found a crystal that sounds just like it. It has been taken by a terrible demon and is being corrupted at the Beacon of Sha'tar in Shattrath.

We have to hurry!


If the Light of Exodus is half as powerful as my grandfather told me, we cannot let it fall into the Legion's hands.


  • You will learn: Illona Perk: Guiding Light
  • You will also receive: 15g 40s


It's so beautiful...

Oh, commander, thank you. A million times thank you!


Patch changes

External links