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The Last Worldvein (Horde)

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For the Alliance version, see Azerite Essence Treasure The Last Worldvein.
HordeThe Last Worldvein
Barren Atol
Level 120 (800) Rare!
Duration 2 days
Followers 3
Type Azerite Essence Treasure
Enemies Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth
Cost 300 War Resources
Champion XP 500
Bonus Chest  [Brilliant Worldvein]

The Last Worldvein is a mission received after using the  [Map to the Last Worldvein].


Send your followers to the location noted on the map. We have word Alliance spies have gotten wind of the location, it is now a race.



Your followers will gain:

  • 500 follower XP
You will receive:
Inv misc azerite 01.png [Brilliant Worldvein]

Patch changes

External links