The Infinite Circle

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NeutralThe Infinite Circle
Start Saezurah
End Saezurah
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Secrets of the First Ones
Experience 1,000
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] Knocking On Death's Door
Next N [60] Unforgivable Intrusion, N [60] The Order Of Things


Escort Saezurah to the center of the Crypts of the Eternal.

  • Lead Saezurah to the center of the Crypts of the Eternal
  • Meet Saezurah at the center of the Crypts of the Eternal.


Creation calls--can you hear it? Yet darkness lingers below, taints the ancient melody.

To forge anew, peace must be restored. The Walker must walk, and protect.

There is much to be done. Lead the way.


You will receive:


Our voices are muffled in the lingering dark.


On accept, Saezurah and Pelagos join the player. Head down the large ramp to the central room, where Saezurah takes up position.

Saezurah says: A song distorted, the Crypts defiled.
Saezurah says: Howls of wrath and agony. Where once first breath was drawn, now only pain endures.


  1. N [60] A Monumental Discovery (optional)
  2. N [60] Restoration Project
  3. N [60] Help From Beyond
  4. N [60] Keys To Victory, N [60] A Matter Of Motivation, and N [60] Cleaving A Path
  5. N [60] Knocking On Death's Door
  6. N [60] The Infinite Circle
  7. N [60] The Order Of Things and N [60] Unforgivable Intrusion
  8. N [60] As Foretold
  9. N [60] Acquaintances Forgotten
  10. N [60] The Turning Point
  11. N [60] For Every Soul
  12. N [60] Lifetimes To Consider
  13. N [60] Souls Entwined
  14. N [60] Safe Haven (optional)

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