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The Headmistress' Keys

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NeutralThe Headmistress' Keys
Start Instructor Nidriel
End Thyrillion
Level 10-45
Category Azsuna
Experience 14,800
Reputation +150 Court of Farondis
Rewards  [Psychotic Scholar's Chain]
or  [Leywalker Bracers]
or  [Ruin-Stalker Bindings]
or  [Seaspray Bracers]
or  [Nar'thalas Bracers]
15g 80s
Previous N [10-45] Pop Quiz: Advanced Rune Drawing
Next N [10-45] The Tidestone: Shattered


Obtain the Tidestone Vault Key from Elya Azuremoon, the Academy Headmistress.


I have a suspicion you are avoiding your studies - but I can see you're anxious to see the Headmistress.

Very well! Headmistress Azuremoon can be found up ahead, though I doubt she will enjoy being interrupted.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv 7 0raid necklace 03a.png [Psychotic Scholar's Chain] Inv bracer cloth legionquest100 b 01.png [Leywalker Bracers]
Inv bracer leather legionquest100 b 01.png [Ruin-Stalker Bindings] Inv bracer mail legionquest100 b 01.png [Seaspray Bracers]
Inv bracer plate legionquest100 b 01.png [Nar'thalas Bracers]

You will also receive:


Were you able to meet with the headmistress?


She... she gave you her key? My word!


  1. N [10-45] Those Who Remember
  2. N [10-45] They Came From the Sea
  3. N [10-45] Prince Farondis
  4. N [10-45] Our Very Bones
  5. N [10-45] Trailing the Tidestone
  6. N [10-45] Nar'thalas Still Suffers
    1. N [10-45] You Never Know Until You Scry
    2. N [10-45] Back from the Dead
  7. N [10-45] The Walk of Shame
  8. N [10-45] Into the Academy
  9. N [10-45] Dressing With Class & N [10-45] Hit the Books
  10. N [10-45] The Haunted Halls
  11. N [10-45] Wanding 101
  12. N [10-45] Study Hall: Combat Research
  13. N [10-45] Pop Quiz: Advanced Rune Drawing
  14. N [10-45] The Headmistress' Keys
  15. N [10-45] The Tidestone: Shattered
  16. N [10-45] Save Yourself
  17. N [10-45] The Head of the Snake (final quest of the Azsuna versus Azshara story segment)
  18. N [10-45D] Eye of Azshara: Wrath of Azshara (Eye of Azshara instance quest)
  19. N [10-45] Eye of Azshara: The Tidestone of Golganneth (Azsuna zone finale)

Patch changes

External links