Presentation is Everything

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NeutralPresentation is Everything
Start Magister Garuhod
End Magister Garuhod
Level 10-45
Category Azsuna
Experience 18,500
Reputation +150 Court of Farondis
Rewards 38g 80s
Previous N [10-45] They Came From the Sea


Magister Garuhod wants all six of this beast's eyes to top off his latest, greatest cocktail.

Collect the Six Eyes of Gangamesh.


The eggs will provide the 'oomph' to my drink's character. But there's another element, and this must not be underestimated!


Now, you could go with your standard olive skewered on a toothpick. Maybe a carrot stalk stuck slapdash out of a glass.

But then, you wouldn't be me.

No, my friend. What MY drink needs to sell it visually comes from a one-of-a-kind creature. I'm only going to serve it once and so my drink deserves something unique.

The eyes of Gangamesh are what I need.


You will receive: 38g 80s


Yes? You have the eyes?


I was going to present this to one of the ladies of the court. Doing so might increase my standing in certain social circles.

But, I just can't bring myself to do it. Who better to drink my latest masterpiece than, well... me?


Magister Garuhod says: Now for the finishing touches.
Magister Garuhod says: Bottoms up.
Magister Garuhod says: Uh oh!
Garuhod suddenly explodes, but becomes a wisp.
Lady Irisse says: Garuhod? He exploded!
Elder Aldryth laughs.
Magister Garuhod says: I'm free!
Garuhod zips off through the wall.



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