The Hand of Purification

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NeutralThe Hand of Purification
Start Eridia [59.3, 77.1]
End Eridia [61.3, 74.4]
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 6,800
Rewards 23g 63s 40c
Previous N [51-60] Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend
Next N [51-60] The Enemy You Know


"Cleanse" the Temple of Purity by slaying enemies.

  • Temple "cleansed" (0/100%)


Nikolon was not alone.

<Eridia stares grimly out over the temple grounds.>

Long have I toiled over the aspirants in my care. Long have I tended to this temple under my Paragon. To know that so many have fallen, alone, is a blow.

But this... wanton destruction! It will not stand.

You will be my hand, <name>. Go forth. End them. All of them.

My duty demands that I tend to those that remain. I will find you near the bridge when the way is clear.


You will receive:

  • 23g 63s 40c
  • 6,800 XP


By the Archon's will, the temple will be reclaimed.


Some stains must be scoured away.


Gossip before accepting the quest:

All those vulnerable aspirants... all the ascended we sent to the Temple of Loyalty... is this what became of them? They must have been driven mad, to attack this temple! We are not their enemy! We were only...

<Eridia falls silent as she stares out over the temple. A single tear drips down her cheek.>

Pick up both quests, then head out, killing a path north. Don't make a beeline north, as due west of Eridia is Acolyte Galistos, who offers an optional side quest: N [51-60] An Inspired Moral Inventory.

Up near the Vesper of Purity, be on the lookout for a Dark Sermon scroll, which starts N [51-60] Dangerous Discourse, a mandatory quest in the campaign.

The following actions will fill the progress bar:


  • Terrified Steward says: Why they hurt friends?!
  • Terrified Steward says: Help! Scary!
  • Terrified Steward says: You! Yes! Good!
  • Terrified Steward says: You strong. Please protect?
  • Terrified Steward says: Good now. Bye!
  • Terrified Steward says: Thank you! Thank you much!
  • Terrified Steward says: Friend! Help please!
  • Terrified Steward says: Waaahhhh! Help!
  • Terrified Steward says: Yay! Help is here!


  1. N [51-60] The Temple of Purity
  2. N [51-60] A Temple in Need, N [51-60] On the Edge of a Revelation
  3. N [51-60] A Wayward Disciple?
  4. N [51-60] Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend
  5. N [51-60] A Once Sweet Sound, N [51-60] The Hand of Purification, N [51-60] Dangerous Discourse
  6. N [51-60] The Enemy You Know
  7. N [51-60] The Hand of Doubt
  8. N [51-60] Purity's Prerogative

Patch changes

External links