The Great Sambino

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NeutralThe Great Sambino
Image of The Great Sambino
Title <The Earthen Ring>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Class Shaman
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen Ring
Location Silver Tide Trench, Shimmering Expanse
Status Alive
Companion(s) Felice (assistant), Modified Earth Elemental (minion)

Sam, or as he likes to call himself, The Great Sambino, is a goblin quest giver and member of the Earthen Ring found in the western part of the Silver Tide Trench in the Shimmering Expanse.




I'm the bleeding edge, baby! Elemental infused technologies. Exploring the depths of Azeroth for lost knowledge and new resources.

Remember the name.

Gossip What's with the hat?

I don't know about you pal, but I can't breath water.

Gossip You're with the Earthen Ring, I just figured you'd have a Spell Shadow DemonBreath.png [water breathing] spell like the rest of them.

And miss out on wearing my awesome custom-made helmet? Not a chance.


Patch changes

External links