The Golem Lord's Creations

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AllianceThe Golem Lord's Creations
Start Dalgrun Steelpine
End Dalgrun Steelpine
Level 20-30 (Requires 20)
Type Dungeon
Category Blackrock Depths
Class Hunter Hunter
Experience 3,450
Reputation +350 Stormwind
Rewards  [Helm of the Crown]
10g 70s
Previous A Hunter [20-30] Meet with Dalgrun Steelpine
For the Horde version of this quest, see H Hunter [20-30D] The Golem Lord's Creations.


Obtain 5 Elemental Modules from the golems in the Manufactory of Blackrock Depths and recover the Elemental Golem Blueprints.


The latest SI:7 intelligence on Blackrock Depths is troubling, <name>. It appears Twilight's Hammer is working with the Dark Iron engineer, Argelmach, to create war golems powered by elementals. These golems could prove to be a devastating weapon if used against us.

You must prevent that from happening, <name>. Find the Manufactory in Blackrock Depths, capture the blueprints he's using to make those golems, and recover the elemental modules he's using to power them.


You will receive:


We cannot afford to allow those golems to be used against us.


I know a couple of engineers who will want to take a look at those plans. They won't be using these golems anytime soon. Good work, <name>.


  1. A Hunter [20-30] Meet with Dalgrun Steelpine (optional)
  2. A Hunter [20-30D] The Golem Lord's Creations

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