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The Fleet Arrives

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NeutralThe Fleet Arrives
Start Moira Thaurissan
End Moira Thaurissan
Level 80 (Requires 80)
Category Isle of Dorn
Experience 5,800
Rewards 10x [Valorstones]
Inv minespider2 cave.png Adventure Mode
11g 70s


Scout the harbor for ships arriving from the Horde and Alliance fleet.

  • Telescope used
  • Report back to Moira


From the moment we crashed on these lands, it were clear as crystal we'd be needin' allies. Jaina and Thrall took off to muster reinforcements, showin' their faith in us to stand against the invaders.

The Stormrider patrol's spied a fleet sailing towards Dornogal Bay. Go ahead and bring me the good news.


You will also learn:

Inv minespider2 cave.png Adventure Mode — Unlocks access to Adventure Mode in Khaz Algar for your Warband.

You will also receive:




I'm glad to see you are well, <name>.

The journey took longer than anticipated. The capricious sea had its own plans it seems.




  1. N [80] Surface Bound
  2. N [80] Preparing for the Unknown
  3. N [80] The Fleet Arrives
  4. Embassies and Envoys
  5. N [80] There's Always Another Secret
  6. N [80] What's Hidden Beneath Dornogal
  7. N [80] Urban Odyssey

Patch changes

External links