The Encroaching Wilderness (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Encroaching Wilderness
Start Rina Moonspring
End Rina Moonspring
Level 20-30
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Experience 11300 EXP (or 6g 78s at level 70)
Rewards 3g 50s
Next A [20-30] Marauding Wolves
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-30] The Encroaching Wilderness.


Rina Moonspring wishes you to slay 12 Grovestalker Lynxes with all due haste and then return to her at Sylvanaar in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


We've been growing the Living Grove at an accelerated rate, but somehow the lynxes there have become lost to our control.

Where once their population was stable, the grovestalker lynxes are now beginning to encroach upon Sylvanaar, and there have been a number of unpleasant incidents of late.

I suspect that the arakkoa of Veil Lashh are somehow behind it, but the immediate issue is with the lynxes themselves.

I would be most grateful if you would help us to deal with this situation.


You will receive:

  • 3g 50s
  • 11300 XP (or 6g 78s at level 70)


Did I not speak the truth? The grovestalker lynxes have become a menace not only to those who would travel the path here, but also to Sylvanaar itself.

Their deaths are regrettable, but the whole point of our creation of the Living Grove is so that Sylvanaar can be surrounded by a defensive region of natural beauty and tranquility.


That was fast. Are you sure that you dealt with as many as was necessary?

Excellent, there's something else that you can help us with if you are willing?


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