The Deed Is Done

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For the rogue legendary quest, see N Rogue [35] The Deed is Done.
AllianceThe Deed Is Done
Start Big Nasty Plunger
End General Twinbraid
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 360
Reputation +75 Ironforge
Rewards  [Twinbraid Shoulders]
or  [Goblin Miner's Helm]
or  [Frazzlecraz Necklace]
or  [Goblin Miner's Hardhat]
Previous A [10-30] ...And Bury the Rest
Next A [15-30] Reinforcements From Theramore


Return to General Twinbraid at Twinbraid's Patrol in Southern Barrens.


<You shield your eyes from the blast and the debris as the mine implodes onto itself.>

<General Twinbraid will be pleased, but somehow you doubt it'll be enough to quench his thirst for vengeance.>


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shoulder 147v3.png [Twinbraid Shoulders] Inv helmet 175v1.png [Goblin Miner's Helm]
Inv jewelry necklace 24.png [Frazzlecraz Necklace] Inv helmet 175v1.png [Goblin Miner's Hardhat]

You will also receive:


<Twinbraid nods as you describe the destruction of the mine, but his eyes still burn with rage.>

Very nice work, <name>. I suppose there's some strategic value in depriving the Horde of those minerals, but I'd have done it anyway just to crush those little green monstrosities.


  1. A [10-30] Report to Twinbraid (optional breadcrumb from Fort Triumph)
  2. A [10-30] Digsite Status
  3. A [10-30] Feegly the Exiled and A [10-30] Hands Off Me Dig!
  4. A [10-30] Marley's Final Flight
  5. A [10-30] He Needs Ale!, A [10-30] Bael'dun Rescue and A [10-30] Who Did This?
  6. A [10-30] The Bad News and A [10-30] Twinbraid Needs to Know
  7. A [10-30] Kill 'em All! and A [10-30] ...And Bury the Rest
  8. A [10-30] The Deed Is Done
  9. A [15-30] Reinforcements From Theramore (breadcrumb to Dustwallow Marsh)

Patch changes

External links