Marley's Final Flight

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AllianceMarley's Final Flight
Start Marley Twinbraid
End Marley Twinbraid
Level 10-30
Category Southern Barrens
Experience 1550
Reputation +10 Ironforge
Previous A [10-30] Feegly the Exiled and A [10-30] Hands Off Me Dig!
Next A [10-30] He Needs Ale!


Talk to Marley Twinbraid and take a spin in his flying machine.

  • Fly with Marley Twinbraid


Okay, <name>! Let's take these artifacts to my father and give him our report firsthand.

Thanks to your help my flying machine is ready to roll. We can fly there together and share in the glory.

Talk to me when you're all set to move out!


You will receive:


<The battered dwarf hangs limply from the cockpit. As you approach the burning wreckage, his eyes flutter open.>

<Marley Twinbraid is still alive!>


Speaking with Marley
It's a one-seater plane, but you can always sit up on the fuselage. It's perfectly safe.
You ready?
Gossip I'm ready, Marley. Let's fly!
The duo hops on Twinbraid's Flying Machine and flies over the excavation.
Marley Twinbraid says: Hold on tight back there! Seat belts are for chumps.
Marley Twinbraid says: We're all very proud of Bael Modan. It was the first dwarven settlement in Kalimdor.
Marley Twinbraid says: Up ahead is Bael'dun Keep. Isn't she a beauty? That stronghold is indestructible!
The keep suddenly explodes.
Marley Twinbraid says: ...What the? The keep is under attack!
The explosion hits the flying machine, crashing it near the entrance.
Marley Twinbraid says: I... I can't hold it! Mayday! MAYDAY!
Marley becomes a Flying Machine Crash Victim.


  1. A [10-30] Report to Twinbraid (optional breadcrumb from Fort Triumph)
  2. A [10-30] Digsite Status
  3. A [10-30] Feegly the Exiled and A [10-30] Hands Off Me Dig!
  4. A [10-30] Marley's Final Flight
  5. A [10-30] He Needs Ale!, A [10-30] Bael'dun Rescue and A [10-30] Who Did This?
  6. A [10-30] The Bad News and A [10-30] Twinbraid Needs to Know
  7. A [10-30] Kill 'em All! and A [10-30] ...And Bury the Rest
  8. A [10-30] The Deed Is Done
  9. A [15-30] Reinforcements From Theramore (breadcrumb to Dustwallow Marsh)

Patch changes

External links