The Deathstalkers' Report

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HordeThe Deathstalkers' Report
Start Rane Yorick
End High Executor Hadrec
Level 11 (Requires 10)
Category Silverpine Forest
Experience 440 EXP (or 2s 70c at level 70)
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+50 Undercity
Bc icon.gif+75 Undercity
Rewards 2s
Previous H [11] Escorting Erland
Next H [12] Speak with Renferrel


Bring the Deathstalker Report to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.


Although Quinn's wounds are mending, I want to get our report to High Executor Hadrec as quickly as possible. It has information that is vital to the Forsaken's occupation of Silverpine.


You will receive:


Did you discover the fate of the Deathstalkers?


I hadn't accounted for the level of Scourge presence we've seen in Silverpine Forest, nor for the troubles our Deathstalkers have had in their scouting efforts.

Your aid to our Deathstalkers was invaluable, <name>. And you will be commended.


  1. H [11] Escorting Erland
  2. H [11] The Deathstalkers' Report
  3. H [12] Speak with Renferrel
  4. H [15] Zinge's Delivery
  5. H [15] Sample for Helbrim

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