Escorting Erland

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HordeEscorting Erland
Start Deathstalker Erland
End Rane Yorick
Level 11 (Requires 10)
Category Silverpine Forest
Experience 875 EXP (or 5s 40c at level 70)
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+100 Undercity
Bc icon.gif+250 Undercity
Rewards  [Deathstalker Shortsword]
Next H [11] The Deathstalkers' Report


Escort Erland through the wolves, to Rane Yorick.


The wolves outside won't leave, and they eye me evilly every time I step foot out that door. They must be incredibly hungry to think I'm worth eating.

I have to report to my teammate, the Deathstalker Rane Yorick. And to get to Rane, I'll need help against those wolves.

Please escort me! And there are a lot of wolves out there, so we'll have a better chance if you have friends who can help...


You will receive:
Inv sword 15.png [Deathstalker Shortsword]

You will gain:


Please be brief. There is much danger about and we cannot stand idle in conversation.


Thank you for the aid, <name>. I had feared Erland was overcome by the dangers of Silverpine. With your help, I see that he has not.


Upon accept
Deathstalker Erland says: Let's get to the others, and keep an eye open for those wolves outside...
Deathstalker Erland says: Be careful, <name>. Those wolves like to hide among the trees.
Erland goes outside and toward the Ivar Patch.
  • Deathstalker Erland says: A Mottled Worg attacks!
  • Deathstalker Erland says: Beware! A <mob name> is upon us!
  • Deathstalker Erland says: Beware! I am under attack!
Approaching the farm
Deathstalker Erland says: We're almost there!
Erland starts running toward Rane.
Deathstalker Erland says: We made it! Thanks, <name>. I couldn't have gotten here without you.
Rane Yorick says: It's good to see you again, Erland. What is your report?
Deathstalker Erland says: Masses of wolves are to the east, and whoever lived at Malden's Orchard is gone.
Deathstalker Erland says: If I am excused, then I'd like to check on Quinn...
Erland goes inside and upstairs.
Deathstalker Erland says: Hello, Quinn. How are you faring?
Quinn Yorick says: I've been better. Ivar the Foul got the better of me...
Deathstalker Erland says: ry to take better care of yourself, Quinn. You were lucky this time.


  1. H [11] Escorting Erland
  2. H [11] The Deathstalkers' Report
  3. H [12] Speak with Renferrel
  4. H [15] Zinge's Delivery
  5. H [15] Sample for Helbrim

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