The Collapse (quest)

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For the Tomb of Sargeras area, see Collapse.
HordeThe Collapse
Start Wind Tamer Barah
End Wind Tamer Barah
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 25150
Reputation +350 The Taunka
Rewards  [Sweltering Cuffs],  [Rhinohide Gloves],  [Plainhunter's Chestpiece] or  [Chilled Greaves]
9g 40s
Previous H [10-30] The Horn of Elemental Fury


Wind Tamer Barah at Taunka'le Village wants you to collapse the Nerubian sinkholes using the Horn of Elemental Fury and defeat Lord Kryxix.


I have created and bound Alluvius using the Horn of Elemental Fury. He will respond to the horn's call when you stand near the southernmost sinkhole in the Geyser Fields.

The quake Alluvius will unleash should collapse the Nerubian tunnels and put an end to their flanking attack. I wouldn't be surprised if the Nerubian commander showed himself after the quake. If the collapse of the tunnels doesn't break the back of their assault, the defeat of their leader surely will.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv bracer 07.png [Sweltering Cuffs] Inv gauntlets 18.png [Rhinohide Gloves]
Inv chest chain 06.png [Plainhunter's Chestpiece] Inv boots plate 07.png [Chilled Greaves]

You will also receive: 9g 40s


Have you unleashed Alluvius and destroyed the Nerubian assault?


Your efforts against the Nerubians have given us a reprieve from the overwhelming Scourge assault. Thanks to your accomplishments, we can strike at the Scourge fortress to the northeast without fear of attack from the west.

As for the horn, I will safeguard it until next we need its power. Stormhoof gave his life to secure the horn and we cannot suffer its loss again.



  1. H [10-30] Scouting the Sinkholes
  2. H [10-30] The Heart of the Elements
  3. H [10-30] The Horn of Elemental Fury
  4. H [10-30] The Collapse

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