The Clarion Call

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AllianceThe Clarion Call
Start Automatic /  [Sealed Kaldorei Scroll]
End Arko'narin Starshade[52.36, 4.56]
Level 50-80
Category Heritage
Race IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Night elf
Experience 850
Rewards 2g 34s
Next A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Ancient Curses

The Clarion Call begins the night elf heritage armor questline. It is automatically offered to night elf characters who are level 50 or above. It can also be started from the  [Sealed Kaldorei Scroll] on a table inside the Stormwind Embassy. Finally, it can be accepted through Adventure Guide.


Speak with Arko'narin Starshade near the Stormwind Embassy in Stormwind City.


Rescue From Jaedenar not completed
<Fine penmanship fills the scroll.>
You do not know me, but your reputation is well known indeed.
As a protector of the kaldorei, I must ask for you to meet me near the embassy in Stormwind. Tyrande has called the Wardens to action, and Maiev Shadowsong herself requested your aid in this matter as well.
Arko'narin Starshade
Rescue From Jaedenar completed
<Fine penmanship fills the scroll.>
It has been quite some time since we last spoke. I would not be here were it not for your aid in Jaedenar long ago, and I have not forgotten you.
It seems that your strength is needed in Shadow Hold hold[sic] once more -- the Wardens have need of you.
Meet me near the embassy in Stormwind. Tyrande has called the Wardens to action, and your help would be greatly appreciated.
Arko'narin Starshade


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 850 XP


Rescue From Jaedenar not completed
It is an honor to meet you, <name>.
Rescue From Jaedenar completed
It's good to see you again, <name>. Let's get to work.


  1. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] The Clarion Call
  2. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Ancient Curses
  3. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] A Grim Portent
  4. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Countering Corruption & A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Mercy or Misery
  5. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Stepping into the Shadows
  6. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] A Glimpse of Terror
  7. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Balancing the Scales & A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Heart of the Issue
  8. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Wardens' Wrath
  9. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] A Mark For A Protector
  10. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif [50-80] Honor of the Goddess

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