The Call of the World-Shaman (Horde)

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HordeThe Call of the World-Shaman
Start Farseer Krogar
End Thrall [60.6, 31.5]
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Category Elemental Bonds
Experience 3,4700
Reputation +75 Earthen Ring
Next N [35] The Nordrassil Summit
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [35] The Call of the World-Shaman.


Speak with Thrall just south of the World Tree in Mount Hyjal.


The Earthen Ring calls to you once more, <name>.

Thrall has cast aside his mantle as warchief of the Horde, but in his new role he needs the support of his people more than ever. He has requested one of the Horde's finest to accompany him in his next endeavor, a ritual of healing that will profoundly impact our world.

You will find him under the boughs of Nordrassil in Mount Hyjal, on the southern side of the tree. Heed the call!


You will receive:


I see my message has reached Orgrimmar.

Thank you, <name>. Let us get to work...


  1. B [35] The Call of the World-Shaman
  2. N [35] The Nordrassil Summit
  3. N [35] Into Slashing Winds
  4. N [35] Elemental Bonds: Doubt
  5. N [35] Into Coaxing Tides
  6. N [35] Elemental Bonds: Desire
  7. N [35] Into Constant Earth
  8. N [35] Elemental Bonds: Patience
  9. N [35] Into Unrelenting Fire
  10. N [35] Elemental Bonds: Fury
  11. N [35] Elemental Bonds: The Vow

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