The Archon's Will

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KyrianThe Archon's Will
Start Polemarch Adrestes [55.6, 42.0]
End Polemarch Adrestes [62.9, 28.8]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Covenant Sanctum
Experience 4,750
Rewards Kyrian Covenant class ability and:
 [Selfless Watcher's Gauntlets]
or  [Selfless Bearer's Hands]
or  [Selfless Forgelite's Gloves]
or  [Selfless Collector's Gauntlets]
12g 87s
Previous N [60] Elysian Hold
Next N [60] Dangerous to Go Alone


Kneel before the Archon and receive her gift.


You can not become a kyrian in physical form, but such minor details will not deter the Archon's will.

It is her wish that you stand as one of us. That you fight alongside us.

Follow me into her audience chamber. It is there you will become kyrian in spirit.


You will receive one of:
Inv glove cloth bastion d 01.png [Selfless Watcher's Gauntlets] Inv glove leather bastion d 01.png [Selfless Bearer's Hands]
Inv glove mail bastion d 01.png [Selfless Forgelite's Gloves] Inv glove plate bastion d 01.png [Selfless Collector's Gauntlets]

You will learn one of:

Class Ability
Death Knight Death knight [Shackle the Unworthy]
Demon Hunter Demon hunter [Elysian Decree]
Druid Druid Purity's Vale
Hunter Hunter [Resonating Arrow]
Mage Mage [Radiant Spark]
Monk Monk [Weapons of Order]
Paladin Paladin [Divine Toll]
Priest Priest [Boon of the Ascended]
Rogue Rogue [Echoing Reprimand]
Shaman Shaman [Vesper Totem]
Warlock Warlock [Scouring Tithe]
Warrior Warrior [Spear of Bastion]

You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 4,750 XP


There is no greater honor than to experience the Archon's radiance firsthand.


From this day forth, you are kyrian.


On accept:

Polemarch Adrestes says: My Archon, mighty Paragons, I present to you the Maw Walker.
Polemarch Adrestes says: They have pledged themselves to our covenant, and thereby bound their fate to our own.
Polemarch Adrestes says: I have brought them before you so that they might once more wield our power in service of our cause.
Polemarch Adrestes says: In revealing Denathrius' treachery and aiding us against threats abound, they have earned this right.

Stand on the glowing platform near Adrestes before Krestia to gain a bonus ability:

Ability paladin gaurdedbythelight.png Kneel — Kneel before the Archon. Instant
Kyrestia the Firstborne says: From this day forward you shall carry the power of Bastion within you.
Kyrestia the Firstborne says: So long as you follow the path, you are welcome in these halls as a kyrian.
Kyrestia the Firstborne says: It is done. Go in service.


  1. N [60] Report to Adrestes
  2. N [60] Among the Kyrian
  3. N [60] A Proper Reception
  4. N [60] Elysian Hold
  5. N [60] Of Great Renown
  6. N [60] The Path Provides
  7. N [60] A Call to Service
  8. N [60] A Calling in Bastion
  9. N [60] Our Most Precious Resource
  10. N [60] Into the Reservoir
  11. N [60] A Unique Opportunity
  12. N [60] Friends in Dark Places
  13. N [60] Setting the Ground Rules
  14. N [60] Rule 1: Have an Escape Plan
  15. N [60] Rule 2: Keep a Low Profile
  16. N [60] Rule 3: Trust is Earned
  17. N [60] Hopeful News
  18. N [60] Return to Adrestes
  19. N [60] It's All Coming Together
  20. N [60] Enhancing the Hold
  21. N [60] Dangerous to Go Alone
  22. N [60] Soul Meets Body
  23. N [60] Strengthen the Bond
  24. N [60] A Conduit for Good
  25. N [60] Our Eternal Charge

Patch changes

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