Thassarian, My Brother

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AllianceThassarian, My Brother
Start Leryssa
End William Allerton
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 6250
Previous A [10-30] Word on the Street
Next A [10-30] The Late William Allerton


Look for William Allerton inside the Farshire mine.


I recently received word from William Allerton, a family friend, that my brother enlisted here in Valiance Keep on the same day he did. Thing is... my brother's been dead for years.

I sold everything I owned to come looking for Thassarian, only to be stonewalled by the local bureaucracy. I've even been threatened with arrest if I keep snooping around.

I need someone in the good graces of the higher-ups... someone like you. If you can help me, I heard that William's stationed at the Farshire mine.


The corpse matches the description that Leryssa gave you of William Allerton. Oddly enough, there are no bite or claw marks on him.


  1. A [10-30] Word on the Street
  2. A [10-30] Thassarian, My Brother
  3. A [10-30] The Late William Allerton
  4. A [10-30] Lost and Found
  5. A [10-30] In Wine, Truth
  6. A [10-30] A Deserter
  7. A [10-30] Cowards and Fools
  8. A [10-30] The Son of Karkut
  9. A [10-30] Surrounded!
  10. A [10-30] Thassarian, the Death Knight

Last Rites

  1. A [10-30] Finding the Phylactery
  2. A [10-30] Buying Some Time
  3. A [10-30] Words of Power
  4. A [10-30] Last Rites

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