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Not to be confused with Fleet Admiral Tethys or Ruins of Tethys.
Image of Tethyr
Race Kraken (Beast)
Level 15-30 Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Theramore Isle
Status Killable

Tethyr is an elite kraken who is part of the A [15-30] Take Down Tethyr! questline.


Tethyr used to attack Theramore whenever the lighthouse was turned on, forcing the people of Theramore to only turn it on for short periods of time, but the attacks became too frequent and the lighthouse was turned off "for good". Years later however, Tethyr hadn't attacked as the lighthouse wasn't turned on, so the people of Theramore wanted to see what would happen if the lighthouse was turned on. Tethyr attacked again, but cannons had been stationed and were used to finally slay the Kraken after all of those years.


Use the three mortars on the docks to do massive amounts of damage to Tethyr. Using the mortars will cause Tethyr to Spout along that side of the dock. The Spout causes a knockback but otherwise does no damage. Getting knocked too far away from the dock will cause the quest to fail. Kill Tethyr before he kills all of the bowmen on the docks.


  • Spell ice magicdamage.png Water Bolt — Hurls a watery bolt at an enemy, inflicting 12 Frost damage.

Objective of


  • Sometimes a square patterned cube will appear on his nose. This is probably a bug.

Patch changes

External links