Tending to the Tenders

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NeutralTending to the Tenders
Start Foreman Thorodir
End Foreman Thorodir
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 12,950
Reputation +160 The Wild Hunt
Rewards 37g 20s 60c
Previous N [55-60] Trouble in the Banks
Next N [55-60] Unsafe Workplace, N [55-60] Supplies Needed: More Husks!, N [55-60] Gifts of the Forest


Slay Egg-Tenders Tiom, Bloome and Erys.


The eggs are a problem, but so are the gorm that take care of them.

The egg-tenders are the leaders of the hive when no matriarch is present. If left unchecked, they will simply produce more eggs and we will be right back where we started. Or worse, one of them could turn into a queen.

They are simply too large and hostile for us to properly contain. I see no other recourse than to put them down.


You will receive:


When something threatens the balance, we must act swiftly to correct it.


The population will produce more tenders eventually. You have bought us valuable time.


  1. N [55-60] Trouble in the Banks
  2. N [55-60] Breaking A Few Eggs and N [55-60] Tending to the Tenders
  3. N [55-60] Unsafe Workplace and N [55-60] Gifts of the Forest
  4. N [55-60] Tied Totem Toter
  5. N [55-60] Well, Tell the Lady

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