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Egg-Tender Erys

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MobEgg-Tender Erys
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Race Gorm (Beast)
Level 55-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Banks of Life, Ardenweald
Status Killable
Pet family Carapid

Egg-Tender Erys is a gorm located in the Banks of Life in Ardenweald.


  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Acid Spray — Inflicts 4 Nature damage to all enemies in front of the caster.
  • Spell mage flameorb green.png Caustic Orb — Hurls a large globe of acid at the target location, dealing 10 Nature damage to all enemies within a 8 yard radius.
  • Ability shawaterelemental split.png Dissolving Bolt — Causes an enemy to inflict 15% decreased Nature damage. Inflicts 3 Nature damage to an enemy.

Objective of

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