Unsafe Workplace

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NeutralUnsafe Workplace
Start Foreman Thorodir
End Foreman Thorodir
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 12,950
Reputation +160 The Wild Hunt
Rewards 37g 20s 60c
Previous N [55-60] Breaking A Few Eggs, N [55-60] Tending to the Tenders
Next N [55-60] Tied Totem Toter


Heal 10 wounded sylvar in the Banks of Life.


You've returned just in time! Fae are in danger!

It seems our actions have enraged the gorm. They are even more aggressive than they were before!

While some fae were able to evacuate, there are still many who are trapped down there.

Take this jar and slather anyone you find with a generous helping. That should heal their wounds and give them a chance to escape.


You will receive:


I hope everyone is all right.


Thank you for rescuing them.


Sylvar approached
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Go on, shoo! Leave me alone!
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Please help! I don't think I can fight another one of them!
  • Wounded Sylvar says: I managed to get this one, but if another comes....
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Stay back, you overgrown fly!
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Ow, wretched gorm got me...
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Back off, you big bug!
Sylvar healed
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Queen protect me....
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Oh, thank the Queen!
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Thank you for tending my wounds.
  • Wounded Sylvar says: I... I think I can make it from here. Thank you.
  • Wounded Sylvar says: Please, help the others if you can!


  1. N [55-60] Trouble in the Banks
  2. N [55-60] Breaking A Few Eggs and N [55-60] Tending to the Tenders
  3. N [55-60] Unsafe Workplace and N [55-60] Gifts of the Forest
  4. N [55-60] Tied Totem Toter
  5. N [55-60] Well, Tell the Lady

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


You arrived just in time. There are people in danger!

I'm not sure what has the gorm so riled up. They've been getting bigger, more hostile. It must be due to the aether shortage. If nothing stops them, they'll eat everything!

While some of us were able to evacuate before we were overrun, there are still many that are trapped down there.

Take this jar and slather anyone you find with a generous helping. That should heal their wounds and give them a fighting chance to get out of there.

Patch changes

External links