Tempting Fate

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NeutralTempting Fate
Start Raszel Ander[51.2, 82.6]
End Doan Karhan
Level 40 (Requires 30)
Category Warlock
Previous N Warlock [40] Soul Vessel


Assist Raszel Ander and Doan Karhan with the summoning ritual and trap Des'Altek inside the staff.


You can see foul magic is poisoning the water, giving it a purple hue. The Burning Blade have overwhelmed this area with dark energy.

We shall use this Sacrificial Alter that they use during summoning rituals. We can harness the latent dark energy in the area to amplify our ritual.


You will receive:


For all things Raszel Ander was, commanding was not one of the traits I knew. For a warlock, he was always on the meek side. I had a feeling something wasn't right when that imposter returned during your summoning ritual, which was why I sent for more acolytes to assist, but it wasn't enough... Once again we have failed to ensnare our prey.

Unfortunately, the staff shattered during your fight, and all I could do was stand by helpless and watch... but I found this in the destruction.


Talk to Raszel Ander to begin the ritual, then click on the Reconstructed Staff of Des'Altek to summon the demon. The process of channeling the ritual will deal shadow damage; use [Shadow Ward] to mitigate it. When the ritual is complete, Raszel will reveal himself as Des'Altek, killing both Shadowbinder Acolytes.

Raszel Ander says: Once the ritual has begun, we must ensure there are no interruptions.
Raszel Ander says: Focus the lingering magic into the staff and we shall bring forth the demon you seek.
Raszel Ander says: Now we begin. Channel into the staff, all together, all at once.
Doan Karhan whispers: Ward yourself friend... dark magic is no game.
Raszel Ander says: Gular modas lok ante. Lok ante keil benthadoom mordanas. Belaros gular ul kiel rakkan ul laz theramas modas.
Raszel Ander says: O ante maev gul ashj, rethul az sorankar... Orah belaros! Maez modas gular modas!
Raszel Ander says: O ante ul maev il raka ante belaros, ul lok rethul amir...
Raszel Ander yells: Pathetic mortal, you've given me exactly what I needed!
Raszel Ander turns into Des'Altek and kills the Shadowbinder Acolytes.


  1. N Warlock [25D] The Orb of Soran'ruk
  2. N Warlock [28E] Rumors Abound
  3. N Warlock [28E] The Conjuring
  4. N Warlock [28] Mysterious Traveler
  5. N Warlock [28] Raszel Ander
  6. N Warlock [40E] A Solid Foundation
  7. N Warlock [40] Soul Vessel
  8. N Warlock [40] Tempting Fate

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