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Image of Taradormi
Gender Female
Race Bronze dragon (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Keepers of Time
Location Paw'don Village, Jade Forest; Lion's Landing, Krasarang Wilds
Status Alive

Taradormi is a bronze dragon located at the Paw'don Village in the Jade Forest, if The Skyfire is hovering above, otherwise she is located at Lion's Landing in Krasarang Wilds.


  • Spell holy borrowedtime.png Taradormi's Second Chance — Transported back in time to witness the Skyfire's first mission to Pandaria. Follow the Alliance quest line in Jade Forest until the Skyfire leaves Pandaria to re-join the present time, or speak with Taradormi in Paw'don Village to cancel the effect.



Lion's Landing

Ah, <name>! Just the <class> I've been looking for.

Do you remember how the Alliance came to Pandaria? You were there, weren't you? But your presence in that part of Pandaria's timeline is... incomplete. You saw only a portion of the events which transpired that day.

Maybe you fled the chaos of war to walk the peaceful valley of this land. Or perhaps the call of treasure from dungeons exotic and ancient was louder than the call of your king to find his White Pawn.

Regardless, I am not here to judge. I merely offer a second chance.

Say the word, and I will transport you back to that day. Lion's Landing will not yet have been built, and the Skyfire will loom over Jade Forest.

Gossip I want to see the Skyfire in Jade Forest. Take me back.

Paw'don Village

Hello again, <name>! Enjoying your second chance?

If you continue along the adventure here until the Skyfire leaves, you'll automatically re-join the normal timeline and find Lion's Landing established again.

Or if you'd rather go back, er... forward to Lion's Landing now, let me know!

Gossip I want to return to Lion's Landing.


  • She allows players who faction transferred from Horde to Alliance to see the Alliance storyline from the beginning.
  • She is also classified incorrectly as a humanoid instead of dragonkin.
  • Her Horde counterpart is currently unknown.
  • She shares the same model with Auridormi and Indormi.

Patch changes

External links