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Blue posts

I gathered all the blue posts I could regarding the bug status of rapture. Here they are for reference in chronological order. /chomp‎ Howbizr(t·c) 6:12 AM, 12 Jun 2009 (EDT)

Patch 2.4.3 - 15 July 2008

Re: [Bug]Rapture | 2008-09-29 10:52 | Blizzard Entertainment Maaven

Q u o t e:

Just wondering if rapture for the disc priests is working. I've done 2 experiments to see its effectivenesss. My first case was in the stockade, I had a bunch of guys hitting me. And the mana regen from rapture was very slow in addition instead of getting my 2.5% mana like the tooltip states I only got whole 2 mana from taking a beating. The second case was when I ask a fellow disc priest to absorb my damage to see if rapture scaled with damage, my mindflay was only giving him 14 mana in the combat log. Can anybody confirm that rapture isn't working would be greatly appreacited.

Thanks for your report! We'll investigate this issue.

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Re: [BUG] Priest Shield Reflect (FRAPS'ed) | 2008-09-30 13:43 | Blizzard Entertainment Maaven

Q u o t e:

Priests Discipline talent Reflective Shield is only reflecting damage from ranged and caster abilities, melee damage is being absorbed but not reflecting, nor proc'ing Rapture for mana regen.

I tried on both NPC's and in a PvP duel. Here is a FRAPS of various encounters. I also tried different ranks of Reflective Shield and tried casting the shield before combat as well as after the mob would strike me.

This has already been noted and is being investigated.

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Patch 3.0.3 - 4 November 2008

Re: Disc Issues Revisited! | 2008-12-12 09:51 | Blizzard Entertainment Ghostcrawler

Q u o t e:

Rapture returns mana on Divine Aegis and PW:Shield based on the target's mana pool instead of my own. IE: Zero mana regained on Warrior/Rogue/DK/Druid.

-Divine Aegis
This ability currently does not stack with PW:Shield or with itself as it is supposed too. Devs said it was supposed to stack months ago.

It is supposed to stack, just like we said. We haven't released a build for months though. The next one should have it. We can't let Divine Aegis stack with itself though. That gets into crazy situations.

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Patch 3.0.8 - 20 January 2009

Patch 3.0.8 is Live! | 2009-01-20 14:10 | Blizzard Entertainment Nethaera

Rapture: This talent will now correctly return mana for Power Word: Shield based on the caster’s mana poll instead of the target’s mana pool.

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Re: Hotfix Rapture | 2009-01-20 17:12 | Blizzard Entertainment Ghostcrawler

If you are refering to the change with mana return to a shielded target, we did fix that so something is not working the same way between our servers and the live ones. We should be able to hotfix it though.

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[BUG] Rapture still bugged | 2009-01-21 00:34 | Blizzard Entertainment Maaven

Q u o t e:

I recieved no mana gains from shields on my death knight tank while running heroic Drak'Tharon Keep.

This is being addressed. Thank you.

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Re: My first @GC post | 2009-01-22 22:04 | Blizzard Entertainment Ghostcrawler

Q u o t e:

Rapture - Broken since 3.0 was pushed. Worked on the most recent PTR, so obviously there are no technical limitations involved and programmers knew the coding to fix it, so why is there no hotfix, yet?

PW:Shield on Druids - Still broken, despite it also working on the PTR. So again, there are no technical limitations, no coding problems, why wasn't it in the patch and why is there no hotfix for something you already have done?

We are hotfixing these -- the fix may be out already. We are looking into the PoM issue. Just after a patch we get a ton of reports that other players can't always reproduce. There are several "Hey, did my damage / healing go down from a stealth nerf?" posts. It's the Onyxia Deep Breathing phenomenon.

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Patch 3.0.9 - 10 February 2009

[Bug] Rapture | 2009-02-26 01:45 | Blizzard Entertainment Dresorull

Q u o t e:

The tooltip is a tad confusing with regards to what the "This effect cannot occur more then once every 12 seconds" is pertaining to , is it only the "energize" effect on the target or the actual return of 2.5% of maximum mana on shield full absorb/dispell?

ANYWAY, If you have somebody simple click off PW:S it refunds the 2.5% mana back to you. This does not seem to fall under the "Fully absorbed/dispelled" description in the tooltip.

Also I grouped with several people and had them all click off my PW:S at the same time and I received mana from all of them , so if the 12 second CD is supposed to apply to this feature then it is also bugged.

Thanks for the report, we'll look into this.

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Re: [BUG] Rapture | 2009-04-01 05:07 | Blizzard Entertainment Dresorull

Q u o t e:

When the priest shields himself, and the shield is removed via damage, only the 2.5% mana is returned. The priest is not being energized for the additional 2%.

Thanks for the report, we'll look into this.

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Re: [BUG] Rapture | 2009-04-08 18:11 | Blizzard Entertainment Dresorull

Q u o t e:

"When your Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed or dispelled you are instantly energized with 2.5% of your total mana, and you have a 100% chance to energize your shielded target with 2% total mana, 8 rage, 16 energy or 32 runic power. This effect can only occur once every 12 sec."

Currently only the former aspect of this description works at all. I have never seen the latter aspect proc any mana, rage, energy, or runic power.

This is currently a known issue, thank you.

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Patch 3.1.0 - 14 April 2009

Re: Rapture (bug or intended?) | 2009-04-14 23:57 | Blizzard Entertainment Bornakk

With raid buffs taken into consideration, Rapture can provide 200 to 250 mp5 for a 3 point talent which is quite powerful already and letting it benefit from multiple shields would shoot the numbers through the roof and be overpowered. We want Disc priests to shield players because they are a Disc priest, not because that’s how they get mana back. Rapture should be considered a bonus, not a motivation to shield everyone you can.

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So, erm, is this working properly now then? If so I think the main page should be edited to show this, it's quite crazy (and unbelievably evil) if it's STILL not working as it should.-- Lyco 03:49, June 13, 2010 (UTC)