Talk:Nexus-King Salhadaar (quest)

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Pally solo

Just did this solo as a 73 prot pally, took about 8min, had to use [Lay on Hands] at about 50%, just kept [Divine Plea] up (the mana burn makes this a must or you will be oom when boss it still at 90+% life) and spammed [Holy Light] between freeze's, and rolled [Consecration], [Exorcism], [Avenger's Shield], [Hammer of the Righteous], [Judgement of Light] or wisdom depending on which was needed, [Blessing of Sanctuary], [Devotion Aura] and [Hammer of Wrath] near the end, I could have used [Holy Shield] as i was blocking a good bit, just didn't think of it at the time :( not very hard, just a long survival fight, won with under 200hp & 500mana. When he spawns the 2 adds don't even worry about them, they will die to 2-3 exo's & a few righteous hammers. The adds didn't give xp, but Salhadaar gave 3388xp rested (so 1694xp). I was geared in LK quest rewards with [Toughness] rank4 (+30 stam) so that actually gave me the extra hp to do this :) I pulled him down the ramp(52,42) just west of him (west of the western thing u have to turn off) just make sure that you don't get to close to the cliff or he'll knock you off it.Jaymz61 (talk) 08:40, 11 July 2009 (UTC)