Talk:Grand Magister Rommath

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Does he have a surname?--Ragestorm, Head Bookkeeper 20:08, 27 December 2006 (EST)

Not any more than Lady Liadrin so far as we know. Since she's not listed as 'Liadrin', Rommath could be moved to 'Grand Magister Rommath'. Yeah, he's a lore character, but not nearly on par with Thrall, Arthas, Uther or Jaina. I think the article would look better with his full NPC title. ---- Varghedin.jpg Varghedin  talk / contribs 19:42, 19 January 2007 (EST)
I have no opposition.--Ragestorm (talk · contr) 23:28, 19 January 2007 (EST)

What does he think of Kael's betrayal?

The game hypes up who Rommath will choose to side with(his people or his leader), but he seems to be still ignorant of Kael'thas siding with the burning legion Zarnks 00:55, 9 July 2007 (UTC)

Personally, I think he wouldn't care- he strikes me as too power-hungry; note that he wasn't trusted with Anveena's identity. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 00:13, 10 July 2007 (UTC)
Actually, I think he has been tasked with actively preparing the Blood Elves on Azeroth with accepting their new role as allies of the Burning Legion. Surely he would not further promote the usage of demonic magic and fel corruption as well as the oppression of critics against the current path of the regime if he would not be on his side. Keep in mind that the Magisters (which are operating under Rommaths command) seem to be an important part of Silvermoon's secret police. Maybe the article should be edited to display these facts. Personally, I think that the three leaders of the current Blood Elf government also have three different alignments, with Rommath being the evil one and Halduron Brightwing being his good counterpart, both trying to get the neutral Lor'themar Theron on their side. --Tulon 22:55, 7 September 2007

If blizz said :'it remains to be seen if his love for his people is greater then his loyalty for his prince'(something like that)then probably he still is a patriot and probably isn't that much of an ass-hole as most think.....or i think he isn't at least.Although i agree Halduron is nobler then him(even Lor'themar is probably a better person) being trusted to be Ranger-General(Marakanis)

Since Kael will be a boss in the Sunwell Plateau since hes summoing Kil'jaeden we might get an answer since I think the Rommath will wanna know whats happening there. Sairez

Does he do anything?

Does Rommath currently give any quests? Finish any quests? Say anything at any time in game? So far both he and Halduron seem to be standing there and doing nothing. I'd love to see them argue. Meneldir

So far, he does nothing. Just stands there chatting with Halduron and Lor'themar. Hopefully he'll do something in 2.4. Maybe we'll present him with Kael's severed head so we get to see the greedy Elf cry. I have a cruel imagination like that. Zentyr 09:09, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

I would like him seen in Northrend, leading the Blood Elves in the battle against the Scourge. As a Grand Magister he also would be a good choice as a main quest giver in Dalaran. At least I wish some Blood Elvish activities in Northrend. Don't forget: It was the Scourge which destroyed their home... Cyrdaz 10:55, 19 July 2008 (UTC)

He literally does nothing in combat as well, he has no abilities or spells. Some 'Grand Magister', he can be pulled without agroing Lor'themar or Halduron, if I ever decide to play alliance I vow to organize a raid for the soul goal of killing Rommath just so I can stand over his corpse and say "You are the weakest link, goodbye." --Saphiredragon89 (talk) 02:40, 1 August 2008 (UTC)

Grand Magisters' Asylum

Just thought I'd mention that Kael'thas Sunstrider's location in the Magisters' Terrace is called the Grand Magister's Asylum. Not implying neccesarily that he's still in league with Kael, as it would stand that the Magisters' Terrace would have a place for their leader, but it's certainly notable as one of the few referances to the position of Grand Magister in the game. The only other that I'm aware of would be the  [Grand Magister's Staff of Torrents], which drops from Felmyst in the Sunwell Plateau.

Past and present major Warcraft Universe character?

I've just seen that Halduron Brightwing is classified as one of the "Past and prensent major Warcraft Universe characters" of the horde. So I think if the Ranger General of the Blood Elves got a place in this group Rommath also would deserve such a classification. Don't you think? Cyrdaz 09:55, 21 July 2008 (UTC)

I would disagree on the grounds that Rommath only appears in WoW, whereas Brightwing is prominent in the Sunwell manga and appears in ToD. On the other hand, these appearances mostly back up his presence behind Lor'Themar, so there is a case for removing Brightwing from the list (the entire template is under review, feel free to join the discussion at Template_talk:Main_characters#Overhaul. --Ragestorm (talk · contr) 13:23, 21 July 2008 (UTC)

His Hair

I don't think that we can call his hair style unique, if you look closely at it, the way it abruptly starts and has no real dimensions to it is more like he were wearing a helmet instead of his mask.--Saphiredragon89 (talk) 00:13, 25 May 2009 (UTC)

I noticed today his model is bugged...he has no ears now--Saphiredragon89 (talk) 03:19, 30 June 2009 (UTC)
Seems he finally got the  [Shave and a Haircut]. TherasTaneel (talk) 01:13, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

Various Issues

Shouldn't the start of the article start with something like "he ultimately remained loyal to Silvermoon City when Kael'thas and his felblood elves attacked" instead of "fiercely loyal servant of Kael'thas" times change...

the "Prince's request" should be cited?

The citation from the wow website that "He is unaware of the true nature of the human woman Anveena.[1]" seems to be broken, anyone able to find it again? TherasTaneel (talk) 21:25, 6 August 2009 (UTC)


That so-called proof that ArbiterX122591 linked just looks like datamined voice quotes slapped together with a couple of screenshots together to form a vid.... but tired of removing info that seems to not have any clearly marked evidence by use of quest or whatever and since it's to be true anyway. Snake.gifSssssssssssssssssssssssss Coobra sig3.gifFor Pony! (Sssss/Slithered) 07:41, September 3, 2010 (UTC)

They may have scrapped the idea of him and Benedictus switching sides to be honest, there's a minor cultist uncovery for both Alliance and Horde in the pre-quests for the Twilight Highlands, ending with one of Garrosh's advisors and one of Wrynn's soldiers/men attempting to take down their respective leader, pretty much fufilling what this storyline would have meant. Rommath and Benedictus have both not been touched upon at all, in the incoming launch event or the actual beta.

Assuming it's beta and anything can change, like the Alliance intro to the TH which was pretty much redone (or at least, altered dramatically) compared to the datamined sound files, which painted a totally different picture... they may have just reconsidered having these characters go down that dubious road. At the very least, I've seen or heard nothing about it so far. All hail the Sin'dorei. (talk)

In the Shadow of Sun

This story is a fanfiction. Fanfiction that won a Blizzard prize etc, but still is a fan fiction and therefore shouldn't be listed here at all. IconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Encaitar (DiscussionDeeds) 18:00, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

They've offically made it Lor'themar Theron's story in the new racial leader short story events.

It's therefore as official as Heart of War, Genn Greymane's one or any of the others. Grissom (talk) 18:07, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Yes but these stories can already be read there. In the Shadow of the Sun appears on the list but is not clickable - that means it might be published in another form. For instance the outline will be kept, however it will be more in line with the offical lore. For now it's quite for apart. The Sin'dorei and Quel'dorei were more than glad to attack Northrend along with the rest of the Horde, the evidence is Argent Tournament and the Quel'delar questline. Also the Sunreavers and on far better terms with Rommath than they are in the novel - therefore until it's 'published' on the expanded universe website it shouldn't be here... The dance studio was on the WotLK features list, yet I can't see it in the game still. As long as they won't publish it they can change their minds.IconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Encaitar (DiscussionDeeds) 18:27, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

And I don't want to fight you man but, as you know Blizzard often changes their minds. We only have 3 short stories out so far, and each of them does fir the in-game lore. Shadow of the Sun doesn't therefore Blizzard really may change it before it goes liveIconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Encaitar (DiscussionDeeds) 18:29, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

It fits in fine with the lore; and frankly the three Silvermoon leaders are practically nobodies in the narrative. This is the very little exposure these characters enjoy, and Blizzard themselves have evidently accepted it as canon material. The story already exists on their website, they simply haven't released it as part of their short-story series yet. This is not an issue that warrants paranoia, it's simple.

We don't make lore, Blizzard do. And when they don't, they officially approve outside sources. In the Shadow of the Sun by Sarah Pine now falls into that category. The story exists, this is the story. Grissom (talk) 18:36, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Yes just like they made Rommath and Benedictus into the memebers of the Twilight Council and later scrapped the idea. Mate they didn't publish it yet. They didn't official and explicitly stated : "Yes In the Shadow of the Sun is a canon guys". One can say that if Illidan's got a pink hair in some fan art work and Blizzard uses this particular fan art on their page, it means Illidan had pink hair... We don't know if they didn't modify the story before they publish it. Before they do it we shouldn't put this kind of material onto the website for the same reason as I stated in the beging - they planned many things which they later change. They may in the end use another story for Lor'themar... IconSmall BloodElf2 Male.gif Encaitar (DiscussionDeeds) 18:42, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

Datamined soundfiles do not compare to official listings for upcoming official short stories. They never said a single word about the Twilight Cult, dataminers put videos of it on you tube. They have put up their intention to show "In the Shadow of the Sun" by Sarah Pine, as Lor'themar Theron's short story, on their OFFICIAL WEBSITE for all to see. If by some miracle they remove it from their website, then fine. You're splitting hairs that do not need to be split.

I'm sorry, but this is a rather stupid argument to be having. In the Shadow of the Sun was the reason they brought Pine back to pen the Garrosh one to begin with; this is a logical move and we as fans should be grateful for it. Grissom (talk) 18:52, 18 February 2011 (UTC)

legion Insurrection

"long-lost kin – their enemies –" rommath say : we stand with long-lost kin """""","""" our enemies, against some of most powerfull magi in the world. Rommath speaks of the alliance between his lost kin the nightborne and his enemies the nightelves. kayruz31 (talk) 10:29, 10 December 2016