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When a Felhound mutates into multiple Felhounds would the Felhound's soul be split amongst the Felhounds created from its mutation?VisionOfPerfection (talk) 15:41, 9 May 2015 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection

I can guarantee that no answer exists for your question. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 19:18, 9 May 2015 (UTC)


Hi, could I please have a source for this ? "The felhounds were originally creatures of conquered worlds who were changed by the evil of the eredar into a demonic form." From Demon -- ShellShockLive (talk) 14:12, 12 November 2016 (UTC)

I actually believe there is none >.>. I've been looking for a source establishing this, but zip--VisionOfPerfection (talk) 19:21, 21 January 2017 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection
I'm removing it then. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 19:32, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

Feeding on arcane energy?

Hi. I'd like to leave a speculation up, but before I'll go ahead and start placing speculations, I'll start discussions on talk pages as DarkT advised me to do. With that in mind, why exactly do felhunters feed upon arcane energy? I know that demon hunters mark themselves with arcane runes to keep their fel forces in check, so could it be that felhunters feed upon arcane energy to keep their fel energies in check? Perhaps feeding upon the lifeblood of titans heals them or stabilizes their structures? Work with me people.--VisionOfPerfection (talk) 19:25, 21 January 2017 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection

I don't think there's an answer to this. IMO they feed on arcane energy because it's a fantasy setting and Blizzard though it'd be cool, without thinking about it any further. Still, it's nice that you open discussions here first Xporc (talk) 19:43, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

According to the WC Encyclopedia, demons feed on magic (and life). It's an insatiable hunger, not a conscious decision motivated by a rational thought. Intelligent demons do seek to consume magic for greater power (e.g. Archimonde in the Third War). --Aquamonkeyeg (talk) 19:48, 21 January 2017 (UTC)

Is it still canon tho? I mean, I liked it when the Burning Legion was a rampaging group of mana addict, but I don't know if it's what they actually do anymore Xporc (talk) 19:56, 21 January 2017 (UTC)
Honestly, I don't believe it was ever entirely true or accurate. It claims that demons are evil, basically stereotyping them, but some demons do things that one can consider "good". Is this seemingly "Light-infused being" "evil" even if he's a demon? If demons are outright evil because of what canon states, even if they do good things, how there is any chance for them to be redeemed? They're evil. Anyways, back on topic...One of Knaak's novels establishes that the master of felbeasts learn what the hounds learn and the somewhat recent Illidan novel establishes that a felhunter's soul can communicate with someone. A felhunter seems somewhat intelligent to me. I believe it's entirely possible that felhunters could decide to feed upon arcane energy to keep their fel energies in check, but Xporc may be right. They might just feed on that because Blizzard thought it would be cool--VisionOfPerfection (talk) 20:08, 21 January 2017 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection
They feed because they are hungry.--SWM2448 21:02, 21 January 2017 (UTC)
This is the answer, honestly. Observers are the same, they just like the feed on every type of magic.To VOP in particular :
-Felhunters don't absolultey HAVE to devour Arcane, they just consume any type of magic available to them. In the WotA trilogy for example, they feed on Nature magic off Cenarius or Malfurion or simply the trees they could find. Then, after having consumed enough, they "burst" and multiply into several felhounds.
-I believe that was just a generalization, 99% of demons tend to be literal psychopath so it's safe to say that "demons are evil", but obviously not all are, such as some Observers, or some Imps, or Lothraxion indeed. (Lothraxion was never evil, even when he wasn't infused with Light yet and was just a regular Nathrezim.. which is why Balnazzar liked to torture him) -- MyMindWontQuiet (talk) 21:59, 21 January 2017 (UTC)
It seems that felhunters do have to devour arcane energies. I know that the felhunters can feed on nature magic because the WoTA establishes that they can, but that does not mean they have to feed on nature magic. This quest outright establishes that felhunters feed on arcane energy and clearly there is a reason for that. Now, I agree that felhunters may - or do - feed upon arcane energy to sate their hunger, but to keep the chaotic fel energies in check is literally another reason why they might - or do - feed on arcane energy.--VisionOfPerfection (talk) 07:21, 22 January 2017 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection
All that quest says is that they feed on arcane energy. It in no way implies that they have to, or that they solely do, any more than saying "Americans eat hamburgers" means that hamburgers are our sole food source. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 08:36, 22 January 2017 (UTC)
I didn't mean to say that they absolutely HAD to feed on Nature magic, I believe "they just consume any type of magic available to them" was clear enough. I agree however the most common type of magic they feed upon is Arcane (or Fel) yes, but there's nothing saying they absolutely have to. They can feed on any type of magic and survive just fine. -- MyMindWontQuiet (talk) 21:55, 22 January 2017 (UTC)
But if they feed on arcane energy, obviously there is a reason why. And the reason why, simplistc and lame as it may seem, might be because they have to? I do agree though that, as demons, felhunters feed upon magic in general because they have a hunger. Perhaps they don't feed upon arcane energies to keep their fel energies in check, but perhaps their fel energies being stabalized by consuming arcane energies is a side bonus to satiating their hunger for a while?VisionOfPerfection (talk) 23:03, 22 January 2017 (UTC)VisionOfPerfection
Yeah I think it's more "magic in general" rather than specifically "arcane magic". They just need to feed upon magic, whatever type it is (though they may have a preference for Arcane or Fel). However I don't think they can ever satiate their hunger, the fel hound in the WotA trilogy fed upon magic again and again until he couldn't take anymore and literally exploded into several felhounds (that's how they reproduce), and they all started feeding upon magic straight away. There's basically no off-switch on these things, they just consume magic, multiply, consume magic, rinse and repeat
And about that "stabilizing" thing, I don't think demons actually need to do that. Demon hunters do, indeed, because they don't want to let their inner demon out or be consumed by it. However if you're a demon yourself, well there's no issue, just go get drunk on fel! -- MyMindWontQuiet (talk) 23:40, 22 January 2017 (UTC)

Opinionated Page

ugly? I think they're beautiful Kavukamari (talk) 02:31, 11 July 2018 (UTC)

GUYS we have a warlock here! Xporc (talk) 17:26, 12 July 2018 (UTC)