Talk:E3 2006 trailer

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So... why do draenei pledge themselves to the Alliance in Ironforge? --Mordecay (talk) 23:42, 18 July 2018 (UTC)

It was the hub of the Alliance in vanilla. Still, Darnassus was closer.--SWM2448 23:53, 18 July 2018 (UTC)
Based on what? Players conglomerations? Or maybe lore implications? --Mordecay (talk) 00:05, 19 July 2018 (UTC)
Player conglomerations, mostly. I don't recall any lore reasons why Ironforge would have been a hub. But it had the only AH (the other cities didn't get them until later) and was closest both to the endgame content at Blackrock Mountain and transportation to Kalimdor via Menethil Harbor (Stormwind docks also didn't exist then), so it was the most convenient city for most Alliance players. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 00:08, 19 July 2018 (UTC)
Also Magni was the main Alliance faction leader in vannila (and in BC before Varian was added in WotLK) and Ironforge was largely main Alliance city before Stormwind Harbor was added also in WotLK. Mrforesttroll (talk) 00:17, 19 July 2018 (UTC)
Yeah, no wonder, who would have wanted to follow a 10-year-old or a dragon in disguise :-D --Mordecay (talk) 00:19, 19 July 2018 (UTC)
Even that was largely related to Ironforge being where players tended to congregate; there was nothing lorewise or even gameplaywise that named Magni the "main" leader. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 00:21, 19 July 2018 (UTC)
Stormwind had an interim/regent council, gnomes were exiles, and Darnassus was in the middle of nowhere. Ironforge had the most stable government. Though if I had to pick an intended main leader, I would say it was Jaina. Thrall, indisputably the Horde leader, said "Welcome to Orgrimmar. Have you come to serve the Horde?" if you clicked on him. Jaina said "Welcome to Theramore. Have you come to help the Alliance?" in a clear parallel, despite being in a swamp.--SWM2448 00:30, 19 July 2018 (UTC)
A [60] The Brokering of Peace also had Ironforge as the main diplomatic hub of the Alliance in vanilla. Xporc (talk) 07:18, 20 July 2018 (UTC)