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Raal the Gluttonous and others

Is there another reference for them being cursed humans aside from Raal the Gluttonous. Also perhaps Raal the Gluttonous being stated as possibly separate could be notable as all the beast men are shown as having bodies that are stitched together something not seen on Raal the Gluttonous. Mrforesttroll (talk) 12:48, 4 September 2018 (UTC)

His guide doesn't say it was magic that transformed him. --Mordecay (talk) 23:24, 28 September 2018 (UTC)

We're talking about a person who was a human but now is a pig. And they are literally surrounded by witches. -- MyMindWontQuiet 14:40, 29 September 2018 (UTC)
I do agree that his guide doesn't say it was magic that transformed him. It is an improper reference IMO. Though it still makes sense for him to "transformed" into a pig through magic. Anything involving witches, some sort of magic is involved. — SurafbrovWarcraft Wiki administrator T / C 14:48, 29 September 2018 (UTC)