Talk:API C MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID

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6. sourceType
Number - Indicates generally how the mount may be obtained; see the 3rd return value from C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtra for specific information.

Referencing C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtra when that function was removed from the game might be convenient, but it seems short-sighted. A better approach might be to copy the information from the dead function here directly.

Unfortunately, I haven't yet mastered the somewhat arcane nature of the Wikicode (I'm assuming that's what this markup language is and not some even deeper proprietary markup language).

As an aside (related - as it is why I simply didn't make the edit itself) - WYSIWYG editing has been around for a bit (defined as something like thirty years) - is there any reason other than the sheer über-ness of using a severely non-standard, highly-arcane editor that no outside of the wiki-geek community uses on a regular basis for NOT moving to a WYSIWYG editor?

G-d forbid anyone with knowledge of the subject rather than knowledge of wiki be given a way to simply and easily pass that knowledge along here.

I realize that would open the door to the clubhouse to the plebes out there who don't spend their every waking moment attempting to learn how to encode "new paragraph with indent" in this way, but if the point of the wiki is to collect and pass along knowledge about the subject of it (rather than provide a forum for a closed group of folks who can sneer at the rest of us who have lives enough not to waste time mastering how to express themselves in a proprietary markup language), it would seem a wise move to do whatever can be done to move this into, I dunno, at least the latter quarter of the previous century if not all the way into this one.

There are any number of web-based WYSIWYG-to-markup converters out there that would allow WYSIWYG editing and still produce "technical" output just fine.

My apologies in advance for my admitted snarkiness, but it's a question that needs asking and injecting a little passion seems to be a solid way to get that "ask" a bit of notice.Mltco78dhs (talk) 21:59, 11 July 2018 (UTC)

C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtra was replaced by C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtraByID, maintaining more or less identical return values. There is no useful information to copy from those pages, as the return value referred to is simply a mount-specific string describing the acquisition method in greater detail (e.g. "Drop: Broodlord Mandokir; Location: Zul'Gurub"). The possible sourceType values and their meanings are already described in the details section.
You can enable the WYSIWYG (visual) editor by setting your editing preferences accordingly. You may also want to browse through Help:Editing (which contains many examples, including one with indented paragraphs) if you find wiki markup confusing. It bears pointing out that the markup language is defined by MediaWiki, an open-source project, and is used by millions of people (as the same software powers Wikipedia and many other wikis); it seems disingenuous to characterize it as a proprietary markup language and the wiki as a forum for a closed group (and the rest of that parenthetical is just needlessly insulting people who have exerted a little more effort than you). — foxlit (talk) 01:02, 12 July 2018 (UTC)