Talanji's Rebuke (quest)

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For the live version, see A [35-60] Xibala.
AllianceTalanji's Rebuke
Start Thaelin Darkanvil
End Brigadier Thom
Level 120 (Requires 120)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [35-60] Fragment of the Firelands
Next A [35-60] Granting a Reprieve


Use the rowboat in Xibala to travel to Talanji's Rebuke.


Don't know if ye heard, <name>, but we suffered a great naval defeat ta the forces o' the Horde not long ago.

We've been searchin' fer the wreckage, and we just received a report on the location o' the main fleet.

The Kul Tirans who delivered the message are waitin' fer ya on the shoreline. Take their boat and head to Talanji's Rebuke.

Do what ye can fer the poor souls.


You will receive:


We've awaited rescue for some time.


Hop on the rowboat:

Boralus Sailor says: "Beware, beware the Daughter of the Seas."
Boralus Sailor says: "Beware," I heard him cry.
Boralus Sailor says: His words carried upon the ocean breeze,
Boralus Sailor says: As he sank beneath the tide.
Boralus Sailor says: Those blood-soaked shores of Kalimdor,
Boralus Sailor says: Where sailors fought and died.
Boralus Sailor says: The admiral fell at Theramore,
Boralus Sailor says: because she left his side.
Boralus Sailor says: Why this? Why this oh Daughter of the Seas?
Boralus Sailor says: Why this? Did you forget your seaside days?
Boralus Sailor says: Always the pride of our nation's eyes,
Boralus Sailor says: How could she go astray?
Boralus Sailor says: When she did flee across the ocean deep,
Boralus Sailor says: the admiral followed west.
Boralus Sailor says: What else but sail to save a daughter's life,
Boralus Sailor says: and pray she still drew breath?
Boralus Sailor says: But there he found on the Western shores,
Boralus Sailor says: Enemies 'pon the rise!
Boralus Sailor says: But when he faced those savage foes
Boralus Sailor says: His daughter stood aside.
Boralus Sailor says: Buried deep beneath the waves,
Boralus Sailor says: Betrayed by family.
Boralus Sailor says: To his nation, with his last breath, cried,
Boralus Sailor says: "Beware the Daughter of the Seas."
  • Eventually, a loading screen appears to teleport the player to their destination.


  1. A [35-60] Foothold: Zuldazar
  2. A [35-60] Zuldazar Foothold
  3. A [35-60] The Troll's Tale
  4. A [35-60] Granting a Reprieve & A [35-60] Disarming the Cannons & A [35-60] Save Them All & A [35-60] A Lack of Surplus & A [35-60] That One's Mine
  5. A [35-60] Xibala
  6. A [35-60] Mole Machinations & A [35-60] Rocks of Ragnaros
  7. A [35-60] Fragment of the Firelands
  8. A [35-60] Champion: Kelsey Steelspark
  9. A [35-60] Return to Boralus

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