Tala Snowgraze

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Tala Snowgraze
Image of Tala Snowgraze
Title Cenarion Protester
Gender Female
Race Tauren
Affiliation(s) Cenarion Expedition
Occupation Cenarion Protester
Location Zangarmarsh
Status Unknown
This is a silly article.
The content of this article is not part of official Warcraft lore, but has nevertheless become part of the World of Warcraft culture or community.

Tala Snowgraze is a tauren, leading the "Circle of Defiance", rally Cenarion Expedition members to protest against the Ango'rosh tribe who are cutting the mushrooms of Zangarmarsh and are damaging the ecology and economy. During one of their protests the ogres attacked them and killed a jungle troll, everyone flee for their lives and another troll stopped to cry for the dead of his companion. Later she was interviewed by Spoggle Greasecakes where she told him that the naga are draining the waters of Zangarmarsh for an unknown purpose, while behind her is a battle between the Cenarion Expedition and Illidan's Naga. At the end of the interview she told that they had to stop the naga.[1]


  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Inc. 2007-04-19. Crisis at the Portal (English). News From Outland: Crisis at Da Portal. Retrieved on 2009-07-20.