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Orientation: Gundargaz

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NeutralOrientation: Gundargaz
Start Moira Thaurissan
End Moira Thaurissan
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 1,350
Rewards 2g 34s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] The Machine Speakers
Next N [75-78] The Hallowed Path


Meet with Waxmonger Squick in Gundargaz

  • Renown Quartermaster


Our new kobold friends have been moving into Gundargaz. They've also gathering odds and ends from around the Ringing Deeps.

You should check in with the Quartermaster! Go have a look at what they've collected. Then we can talk about what we're doing next. I heard Anduin's around here somewhere.


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,350 XP


New allies are always appreciated.


It's good to make new friends. In the days ahead, we'll need all the help we can get.


  1. N [73-75] Absent Speaker
  2. N [73-75] Sympathetic Speakers & N [73-75] Battle of the Earthenworks
  3. N [73-75] Dark Iron from Above
  4. N [73-75] Into the Machine
  5. N [73-75] The Machine Speakers
  6. N [73-75] Orientation: Gundargaz

Patch changes

External links