Sword Stealing Searers

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NeutralSword Stealing Searers
Start Ironus Coldsteel
End Ironus Coldsteel
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Eon's Fringe
Experience 9,050
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
25g 74s
Previous N [70] If a Hammer Can Break a Lock...


Retrieve Finduin Wryngrrlgulgll's blade Seashellamayne.


Those grubby forgespawns knocked Finduin right over and took Seashellamayne! They must've sensed the temporal energies lingering on the sword.

Can't imagine what they'd want with it, but there's no time to wait and see.

Everything you've done won't mean much if I don't have Finduin's blade to fix. Could you fetch it for me? After all, the fate of Azmerloth depends on it!


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 9,050 XP
Flightstone-dragonflight.png 10x [Flightstones]


Like time-moths to the chrono-flame, those wee elementals were drawn to Seashellamayne!

I can only hope the damage done to it is minimal.


Thank the timeways you retrieved Seashellamayne before those fiery creeps could cause lasting damage! The blade is a bit burnt, but nothing I can't hammer out[sic]

Glad you're in one piece as well. A few char marks, I see, but nothing you couldn't handle.

Wear that soot like the badge of pride it is.


Upon accept of both
The High Tide King glances between Ironus and <name>, babbling rapidly in nerglish.
Ironus Coldsteel says: Gills up, lad! Have a wee bit o' faith in this young <race> here. They've proven reliable thus far, haven't they?
Ironus Coldsteel says: Come, let's take stock of the damage to the rest of me workshop.
Finduin glances at <name> for a moment, offering a confident nod before following the chronosmith.

Fly to the very top terrace of the Everywhen Inn, kill the three Time-Charged Forgespawn, and take the sword.

Upon completion of both
Finduin Wryngrrlgulgll says: [Nerglish] Gl mmml grl mrgllll gl
Ironus Coldsteel says: Right you are, Finduin! The time has come to repair your blade! But first, let's reignite this old beauty!
Ironus throws the  [The Heart of the Timeforge] into the Extinguished Timeforge, turning it to Timeforge.
Ironus Coldsteel says: Now stand back and let this chronosmith do his job!
The High Tide-King of Azmerloth blinks slowly with a look of apprehension across his visage.
Finduin Wryngrrlgulgll says: [Nerglish] Gl mrgl gl
Ironus Coldsteel says: What do you mean, "Is that it?" Of course that's it! Your blade is as good as new. Better, I'd say!
Finduin takes the blade from Ironus and examines it closely.
Finduin Wryngrrlgulgll says: [Nerglish] Grl grl gl Gl grgrl grl Grgrl grl mrgllll gl grgrl grl grgrl mmml grl burgle grl mrgl gl gl mmml gl grl gl
Ironus Coldsteel says: I have no intention of visiting Azmerloth anytime soon. And I'm sure <name> is far too busy!
Ironus gives <name> a cheeky wink.
Finduin Wryngrrlgulgll says: [Nerglish] Grgrl gl mrgllll gl mmml mrgl gl mrgllll
Ironus Coldsteel says: Aw, get going before you get me all sentimental. Tempo will see to you returned to your proper timeline.
With the newly reforged Seashellamayne in hand, Finduin Wryngrrlgulgll bobbles his head in thanks and races out of the forge towards his destiny.
Ironus Coldsteel says: Thanks again, <name>. Don't forget to check out me wares. I'm sure I have a few tools or time-lost patterns scattered around here somewhere.


  1. N [70] The Chronosmith
  2. N [70] Chronohammer Time! & N [70] For the Hoard!
  3. N [70] If a Hammer Can Break a Lock...
  4. N [70] By Time Fire be Purged! & N [70] Sword Stealing Searers

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