Surrounded by Trolls!

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Surrounded by Trolls!
Class Warrior
Artifact  [Strom'kar, the Warbreaker]
Affects N/A

Surrounded by Trolls! is an Arms warrior artifact trait gained from  [Strom'kar, the Warbreaker]. This is a hidden trait that does not appear in either your spellbook or the artifact traits panel.

When you get near a hostile troll NPC while equipped with either Strom'kar or a weapon transmogrified into Strom'kar, there is a chance that Strom'kar will cause all nearby trolls to become feared for 2 minutes, and they will yell the following random quotes upon being feared.

Da sword! It be too much!
My ancestors scream!
I smell da blood of my people!
Surrounded by ghosts!
No... no!

This can proc in the following locations:

Patch changes

External links