Suntara Stones (2)

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AllianceSuntara Stones
Start Singed Letter
End Curator Thorius
Level 48 (Requires 42)
Category Searing Gorge
Experience 4400 EXP (or 26s 40c at level 70)
Rewards 1g 40s
Previous A [46] Suntara Stones
Next A [46] Dwarven Justice


Take the Singed Letter to Thorius in Ironforge. He is in the Hall of Explorers.



If you are reading this letter, I am no more. How it got to you, I do not know, but thank and reward the ones responsible.

About the stones: They exist and the Dark Irons have them in their possession. Their leader, Lathoric the Black, is using the power of the stones to enslave my excavation team. They were taken to the cauldron. Their minds are twisted, working night and day to complete something called Obsidion.

Help them, brother. It is the final wish of a dead man.



You will receive:


<Thorius sobs.>


<Thorius wipes his face dry.>

In the name of the Light, he will have his wish. This I vow.


  1. A [46] Suntara Stones
  2. A [48] Suntara Stones
  3. A [46] Dwarven Justice
  4. A [46] Release Them
  5. A [46] Rise, Obsidion!

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